Sunday, September 26, 2010

96 little offerings to bring on the road...

whenever i go on a tour these days, i like to bring 96 little drawings with me. they serve a bunch of different purposes. they give me something affordable to offer at the signings so that i can offset the cost of my trip, they're something i can give to the kind people who help me out in one way or another, people who let me crash on their sofa, that sort of thing. drawing them gives me something to focus on before a big trip, a reason to sort of take stock of what i'm into. still girls girls girls and/or ridiculous little cartoon characters (PIP+norton, Eddy).

when i get back i plan to make a big, fancy gicleƩ print of all 96 drawings, all on one poster...

anyway, i'll be leaving on my big west coast adventure on wednesday, so probably won't be posting again till i get back. i hope to see you at one of my signings (i'll post the announcement again above).


Blogger michael valiquette said... cards!

10:10 PM  
Blogger william wray said...

will try and make it despite deadlines!

12:49 AM  
Blogger Halloween Jack said...

2 questions:

1) How much per drawing?

2) Any chance of a Midwest tour (specifically, Chicago) any time soon?

2:08 PM  
Blogger Kristy Gordon said...

That's awesome Dave! hehehe, they're so cute! (ps HI!! :D)

4:42 PM  
Blogger Toma Pan said...

The first photo of this post, what kind of pencil is that exactly? I'd really like to try it!!!! I would be so damn happy!... is it possible to find it online?
best regards

2:53 PM  
Blogger Troy said...

As always Mister Cooper you inspire me to draw draw draw!

Troy Nixey

6:09 PM  

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